A special collection of stories, together for the first time...  

Mysteries at Midnight

An audiobook--available now!

An ebook and trade paperback



An unsolved murder on a seductive resort island with brooding secrets....a mechanical movie prop intended to help create a dream on film, but instead it becomes part of a nightmare for those involved....an odd alliance between a priest and a vampire....a modern day meeting with the Phantom of the Opera....tales of ghosts and monsters and otherworldly encounters.  This collection of stories by science fiction and mystery author  Gary Alan Ruse explores fantasy realms and the dark side of human...and non-human...nature with thrills and chills, and in some cases a touch of humor.


Mama's Lu's

Dark Angel


The Spiralled Horn

Night Tidings

The Pigeons in the Park

Things in the Gqrden

Friends Forever

By Death Shall Ye Know Them

Summon Chan, Ted, Eve and Ing


 Now available at Amazon.com

 Now available at Barnes and Noble

Also available at Smashwords.com

And as a 6x9 trade paperback at Lulu.com



Copyright 2012 and 2018 Gary Alan Ruse